'This is bad young man'; Bravo! you just did the right thing. What are your justifications for labelling A as bad  and B as good? Have you ever spent time to look through a different window? Just maybe you might get a different view of things and understand things better.

      The world is over populated with penned assumptions and this has been so worshipped that we believe there are no other look-throughs. It's more like we are caged in the assumed principles of others. We do not have a mind of ours, everything we do is institutionalized. We are trained to do this and told not to do this even when we feel these things should not be and we try to oppose we are handed a penned assumption mostly in form of a book of someone who is long dead as if that person were the ruler of the world. We so obey principles of the long gone that even the words of the living makes no sense to us. We are discouraged not to find out more by them stating critically that the part we are about to thread is black, bad and evil at once we retrace our steps in a 360 degree style.

      Someone tells you a particular religion is bad and lists out reasons why the said religion is evil and the best you can do is to go and search a book that tells you more on why you should have nothing to do with that religion or maybe even more- why you should kill anyone with that religious belief. Can you define the word evil? Oh i see you are checking to see another persons definition right? I tell you in confidence that you are a fool whose hierarchy exceeds the peak- so exalted. Now let's assume we all with different belief system share in your foolishness and do same what is the end going to be like for us?

      Someone who is long gone wrote in a book how your stature defines your person and you believe it because everyone you met had the same behaviour and personality as matched by the author's stature list. Do you know why that is? It is because humans naturally need a reason to act in a certain way as a backup. For example, if you say short people tend to steal whatever is in sight, a short person who grew in such a society has seen a suitable excuse to covet and for that reason if you grow up in such a society you are bound to see a short person as a threat to your belongings and invariably believe that long gone author whose words were just penned assumptions based on coincidences of events witnessed in his days. You get the LOGIC!

      The day you stop quoting other people and start using your head is the day the ideas of the long gone will sieze to have a grip on you. Think of it-  All Ideas of the 4th century being used to govern the 21st, ideas of the primitive age being used to govern that of this exposed times...... So you mean to tell me that you use the same amount of red oil to make six pots of soup as when you make a pot of soup?. EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM PENNED ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON COINCIDENCES OF HAPPENINGS WITNESSED IN THE DAYS OF A SKELETON.




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